The following are the books published most recently. They are available at Retreat House and with the book author himself or herself, Those who like to purchase them can contact the author and the Retreat House Book Store;
1. Child Protection Policy : Archdiocese of Imphal (2021)
2. Programme Yourself : Rev. Fr. paul Lelen (2021)
3. Meta-gazing : Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Touthang (18.12.2021)
4. Music Theory Volume -I : Rev. Fr. Dr. Linus Neli
5. COMPLETE CAREER RESOURCE GUIDE (Author: Rev. Fr. Stephen Touthang)
6. DARE TO DREAM (A uthor: Rev. Fr. Stephen Touthang)
7. ILLUMINATI AND THE MUSIC INDUSTRY, 2nd Edition (Author: Rev. Fr. Stephen Touthang)
8. PURGATORY (Author: Rev. Fr. Reji George)