In 2014 it was recorded that there were 40,855 HIV Positive cases in Manipur in spite of incurring an expenditure of Rs. 43.39 crore for implementation of Targeted Intervention Program (TIP). In March 2007 the recorded figure was 25,919. In 7 years the quantum jump is 14,936. From here we can more or less guess the quantum increase from 2014-2017.
There is no more awareness campaign from Manipur Aids Control Society, or any organization working with HIV/AIDS related issue as if Manipur has eradicated HIV/AIDS totally from the land of Manipur. Media has stopped spreading the message. The reason for lack of campaign being lack of money and yet the hard truth still remains and is spreading rampantly. But the Archdiocese continues to care for the HIV/AIDS infected and affected people in the state of Manipur with or without donor’s sanctioned project. We teach income generating livelihood skills to infected and affected women. we send HIV/AIDS infected and affected children to different schools. we provide them food, shelter, clothes and education. For more details please refer our Menu Tab ‘Activities of the Archdiocese’. Any Philanthropic person can come forward and extend their valuable and meaningful help either in cash, kind or personal service. Kindly offer your sympathy to our suffering brethren of Manipur.
For those of you who would like to donate towards this noble cause may contact us at