June | Day | Activity |
1 | Thursday | Birthday: Most Rev. Dominic Lumon |
4 | Sunday | Pentecost |
5 | Monday | World Environment Day |
7 | Wednesday | Regent Brothers' Monthly Recollection at 5.30 pm |
10 | Saturday | APC Executive Meeting |
14 | Wednesday | Priests Recollection at 5.30 pm |
16 | Friday | Domestic Workers' Day |
18 | Sunday | Corpus Christi (SABS Feast) |
23 | Friday | Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (SH Feast) |
29 | Thursday | Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany's Installation Anniversary |
30 | Friday | Submission of Vocation Sunday Collection (Last Date) |
26-1 | Tentative Dates for Priests Annual Retreat | |
July | Day | Activity |
1 | Saturday | Foundation day of 'Sisters of Queen of Apostles' (SRA) |
3 | Monday | St. Thomas Minor Seminary Day |
12 | Wednesday |
1) Anniversary of Archbishop Dominic Lumon's Installation 2) Birthday of Most Rev. Joseph Mittathany DD (Emeritus) |
10-15 | Regent Brothers Retreat | |
16 | Sunday | Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Feast of CMC) |
17-22 | Annual Catechists Retreat | |
31 | Monday | Feast of St. Ignetius of Loyola (feast of Jesuit fathers) |
August | Day | Activities |
1 | Tuesday | Anniversary of Archdiocese Errection (1999) |
4 | Friday | St. Vianney Feast |
7 | Monday | Priests' Reollection |
8 | Tuesday | Feast Day of Most Rev. Dominic Lumon |
11 | Friday | Feast of FCC 'St. Clare' |
12 | Saturday | International Youth Day |
15 | Tuesday | Independence Day/Assumption Feast |
22 | Tuesday | Queenship of Mary (Feast of MC sisters) |
28 | Monday | Feast of Carmalite Sisters of Charity |
30 | Wednesday | Death anniversary of Rev. Fr. Shaji Sebastian |
September | Day | Activity |
5 | Tuesday |
Teachers' Day St. Teresa of Kolkatta (MC sisters feast) |
6 | Wednesday | Brothers Recollection at 5.30 pm |
8 | Friday | Nativity of Bl.Virgin Mary (Feast of SCCG) |
13 | Wednesday | Priests Recollection at 5.30 pm |
14 | Thursday | Exaltation of the Cross (Feast ofSCC) |
15 | Friday | Our Lady of Sorrow (Feast of Holy Cross Sister-CSC) |
21 | Tuesday | Internation Peace Day |
27 | Wednesday | Episcopal Ordination Anniversary of Joseph Mittathany DD |
30 | Saturday | Foundation Day of MSFS |
October | Day | Activity |
2 | Monday | Gandhi Jayanti |
4 | Wednesday |
1) St. Francis of Assisi (OFM Cap, UFS and FCC Feast) 2) Brothers' Reollection |
7 | Saurday | Foundation Day of MC |
11 | Wednesday | Girl Child International Day |
21 | Saturday | St. Ursula (UFS Feast) |
22 | Sunday | World Mission Sunday |
25 | Wednesday | Priests' Senate Meeting at 9.30 am |
28 | Saturday | Archdiocesan Pastoral Council General Body Meeting at 9.30 am |
November | Day | Activity |
1 | Wednesday | All Saints Day |
2 | Thursday | All Souls Day |
3 | Friday | Brothers' Recollection at 5.30 pm |
8 | Wednesday | Priests' Recollection at 5.30 pm |
9 | Thursday | Holy Mass for Departed priests & Religious at 6.30 am |
14 | Tuesday | Children's Day |
21 | Tuesday | Foundation day of SCCG |
26 | Sunday |
Christ the King Feast Death Anniversary of Rev. Fr. Mathew Planthottam |
30 | Thursday | Mission Sunday Collection (last day) |
December | Day | Activity |
1 | Friday | World AIDS Day |
2 | Saturday | Death Anniversay of Rev. Fr. Shajan Jacob |
3 | Sunday |
1) St. Francis Xavier, Patron of India 2) International Day of Differently abled persons |
6 | Wednesday | Brothers' Recollection at 5.30 pm |
8 | Friday | Immaculate Conception (Feast Day of MSI & SMMI |
10 | Sunday | International Human Rights Day |
13 | Wednesday |
1) Finance Committee Meeting at 9.30 am 2) Priests' Recollection at 5.30 am |
19 | Tuesday | Anniversay of dedication of St. Joseph Cathedral (Mass at 7 am) |
25 | Monday | Christmas Day |
31 | Sunday | Thanks Giving Adoration at St. Joseph's Cathedral at 4.30 pm |